
Buyer’s inspection, seller’s inspection, seller consultations, new construction inspection, pre-bid inspections


Certified, AHit Educated and member of the International Association of Certified Home Inspectors

Same day

We generate and email a PDF file of the report the same the day the inspection is complete.


We utilize the latest technology available to provide a worry-free home purchase, and peace of mind.


Buyer's Inspection

When you're dealing with a new home, you want to feel confident in your foundation -- and in the roof, wiring, plumbing, and everything in between.

Seller's Inspection

Protection Home Inspections provides thorough analyses with detailed attention and accurate statements.

Seller Consultations

Whether you're selling a home or want to ensure that everything is up to standards, or purchasing and investing in your family's future, Protection will give you peace of mind.

Construction Inspection

With 20 years of carpentry experience, John Torkelson understands the process of building a home from beginning to end.


Washington State has some of the most stringent laws on home inspections. Washington State Home Inspectors are required to follow the Washington State Standards of Practice for home inspections.

AHIT is a national home inspection school with the industry’s best home inspector training and support programs.

InterNACHI inspectors are trained and certified by the world’s largest association of residential and commercial property inspectors.

InterNACHI inspectors are trained and certified by the world’s largest association of residential and commercial property inspectors.


When you're dealing with a new home, you want to feel confident in your foundation -- and in the roof, wiring, plumbing, and everything in between. Protection Home Inspections provides thorough analayses with detailed attention and accurate statements. With 20 years of carpentry experience, John Torkelson understands the process of building a home from beginning to end. Whether you're selling a home who want to ensure that everything is up to standards, or purchasing and investing in your family's future, Protection will give you peace of mind.